Fewer hurdles for your clients

Here are two of the latest ways we’re making things easier for you and your clients:

  • Your clients can now use 100% of their rental income towards affordability for Residential and standard Buy to Let mortgages (previously 50%).
  • The maximum LTV for Let to Buy lending has increased to 95% for onward Residential purchases (previously 90%).

View our latest lending criteria

“We know how house price and base rate increases have squeezed many of your clients, making it more difficult to meet the affordability hurdles of lenders. And we recognise the value of a Buy to Let income, so we’re pleased to tell you that we now accept 100% of rental income, and we’ve removed the LTV cap on a background Buy to Let where the onward residential is coming to Skipton.”

  • Karen Appleton, Head of New Lending at Skipton Building Society

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