There are many mortgage brokers who turn a blind eye to insurance sales opportunities because they don’t understand the value of GI. This is something we are actively trying to change, not just to protect consumers but also because we don’t want brokers missing out on a potentially lucrative income.

However, there are other brokers who do embrace GI but find themselves avoiding certain cases because they seem too complicated.

That client who lives in the pretty cottage with the thatched roof for example? Or that homeowner who has a historic criminal conviction that is impacting his application?

Neither are a straightforward case and as such many brokers are put off. But they needn’t be.

At Uinsure our non-standard referral team have dealt with plenty of unconventional cases and they’re here to ensure you get the right policy for your client whatever their situation.

Commercial insurance is another area which we see brokers backing away from but there are huge opportunities to be had here. Indeed, commercial premiums can be large, and with up to 15% commission up front and on renewal, they offer another great way of opening up an income stream. Our commercial team are on hand to help.

Don’t be deterred by cases that seem difficult or complicated. Give Uinsure a call. We can help you make the most of every opportunity.