Willing to try anything to end client protection apathy? Then try the LV= Risk Reality Calculator

and give your clients a mind-altering experience in just five seconds…

                     Try out the LV= Risk Reality Calculator            

Use the Risk Reality Calculator to:

Show clients the risks of them suffering the following before a specified retirement age:

– being unable to work for two months or more (because of ill heath)

– suffering a serious illness

– risk of death

– likelihood of any of the above happening

Print off a personalised report to give to your client to support your recommendation. You can also save a copy of this to their file (even if they don’t take out an protection) confirming you’ve discussed future expenditure and what would happen if your client’s circumstances suddenly changed.

The Risk Reality Calculator helps you sell the need for a full protection plan, without you having to. To find out more, or discuss other ways LV= can support your recommendation process, please contact me on the below details.

Kind regards,

Stuart Mair

T: 07968 538 514

E: Stuart.Mair@lv.com

We may record and/or monitor your calls for training and audit purposes.