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Did you know…
  • There are 6.5 million carers in the UK1
  • 40% of carers look after a partner, spouse or child – the same number who care for parents2
  • And 42% of people become carers between ages 45-64 when they’ve reached the peak of their career3
  • Plus the State only provides £62.10 per week of Carers Allowance4
That’s why we’ve added a £125 per week Care Assistance Benefit to all of our Income Protection policies because we think your clients deserve a bit of extra support if they need to care for a loved one.

More information

  • Download FAQs here
  • Visit our website here
  • Call us on 01234 358344
Carer Friendly Income Protection
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  1. Carers UK. State of Caring 2016.
  2. NHS. Survey of Carers in Households.
  3. NHS. Survey of Carers in Households 2009/10.
  4. GOV.UK. Carer’s Allowance.