British Friendly: NEW – Income Protection tailored to your client’s budget
At British Friendly we believe in providing affordable and reliable cover that you and your clients can trust.
That’s why we now offer premium led quotes on to ensure you can tailor cover to meet your clients’ needs and budget.
We’ve also updated our quote and apply journey on advisers.britishfriendly.comso you can now search from a list of occupations. Plus, we also ensure that if your client works in one of our excluded occupations they are notified upfront when getting a quote on our website as well as the IRESS and iPipeline portals.
We are continually reviewing ways we can improve our application process. We hope these changes will make your quote and apply journey an even better experience.
If you have any questions about these changes, please contact our Telephone Account Managers on 01234 348 007 or on
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Like the friendly can do approach, keep it up!
Michael McGuiness, Adviser
My experience with TRM so far has been excellent I can’t tell you how much you guys have lifted me since March. The positive approach shown by everyone to get the business on and to get the commission paid is up lifting. What a breath of fresh air, great Network and fantastic positive attitude.
Andrew Smith, Adviser
You are a wake up call to this market and a revelation compared to my previous network.