TML is delighted to announce new Premier Panel Exclusives. The exclusives are across product tiers 1-6 at 85% LTV with a 0.25% interest rate reduction compared to the whole of market product range. The exclusives are available with both a 2 and 5 fixed rate option.

To obtain a lender decision click here, complete the form and email to

Click here for a copy of the exclusive product guide

In addition, for cases submitted through 3mc, as an exclusive distributor, we can access TML’s Premier Panel Service which provides a dedicated underwriting team available for enquiries on all packaged, submitted applications.

For further information visit the 3mc website or call the specialist mortgage desk on 0161 962 7800.


  • 1 year self employed considered to 80% LTV
  • Share of retained profits considered
  • Lending into retirement
  • Impaired credit including DMP’s
  • Click here for further information

