We are giving you, as a member of The Right Mortgage Network, advance notice of an EXCITING NEW Short Term Income Replacement (STIR) product which is being launched early October for people running their own business.

DMS Business Guard – a new, exciting, unique, and yes, a revolutionary product, providing cover for Clients running their own business, whether Self-Employed or Controlling Directors.

If a claim arises, apart from the completed claim form, the only other documentation your Client must provide is:

  • Business Closure claim – Entitlement to Benefit letter issued by DWP.
  • Injury or illness claim – Certificate letter issued by their GP.

Not required:

  • Accounts, payslips, Income Tax assessments or bank statements proving Income, Profit or Expenditure.
  • INSOLVENCY, with their DMS policy providing a tax-free monthly income of up to £2,500, and their credit record still intact, your Client can plan the start of their next business.

For the first time you can recommend cover to your Clients KNOWING that;

  • THE CLAIM WILL BE PAID – DMS paid 91.92% of all claims received in 2014.
  • The monthly benefit will be paid in full – with NO REDUCTION MADE because income or outlay has changed within the lifetime of the policy. DMS recently paid a claim of £1,086 per month for 12 months, where any other provider would have paid only £187 because of changes to circumstances that should have been irrelevant to all providers, but are in fact irrelevant ONLY to DMS.

How can DMS do this?

  • Eligibility for cover is based on your Client’s regular provable monthly outlay, not on their income, profit or taxable income.
  • Every application is fully underwritten up front, not left until a claim arises.
  • DMS issues cover only when certain that a claim will be paid, always puts claims at the heart of its business, always looks for reasons to pay claims, not excuses to avoid paying.
  • DMS issues documentation that clearly and simply sets out what is covered and what is not, and confirms that later changes to circumstances do not affect the insurance contract, so long as your Client’s eligibility for the cover is unaffected.

What else does business guard offer?

  • Injury or Illness cover for new business start–ups – yes right from day one, of up to 125% of regular monthly outlay.
  • Business Closure cover available after two years trading.

This cover will soon be available, BUT ONLY FROM ADVISERS, as DMS does not deal directly with Clients. You will never compete with us. Our forthcoming campaign to Accountants will make this clear, and offer an introduction to an Adviser. Email us now to be included in our approved Adviser list.

And don’t forget our market leading Plus and Value Short Term Incomer Replacement products. As a member of The Right Mortgage Network you already have preapproved access to our system. If you want any more details, or confirmation of your login details please drop an email to admin@dms4stir.co.uk with the word LOGIN in the subject line.

It takes only 15 – 30 seconds to get a quote using DMS Quick Quote

View the Quick Quote smart phone app here 

You can look at our products and our Adviser Offering in general by visiting www.dms4stir.co.uk

…or, why not Contact us today?



0800 817 4725 xt 301

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0800 817 4725 xt 302