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Check out Defaqto’s paper on the LV= Retirement Account 

The pension freedoms introduced in the March 2014 Budget give you far more choice as to when and how you access your pension savings, however with more choice comes the need for you to potentially make more decisions. Some retirement decisions can’t be changed and could last a lifetime, so it’s important that you understand all the options available for your client before making any commitments.

The risk model matrix

“Different retirement solutions present different benefits and different risks. The table summarises the LV= view of the key risks associated with each of the options available through the 

LV= Retirement Account”

Defaqto, Q&A Review

Hopscotch Logo

The LV= Retirement Hopscotch is a retirement risk analysis tool. It’s been developed to help you explain to your clients the things we think they should watch out for.

Retirement Account Logo

The LV= Retirement Account is the easy way for you to recommend and deliver a wide combination of LV= retirement income products in one simple account.

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Defaqto is an independent researcher of financial products, focused on providing intelligence to support better decision-making.

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