Message from Harold Pritchard, Head of IFA Sales, Legal & General Home 

As we get closer to the festive season, we’d like to do a little bit extra to help clients who are applying for a Legal & General Lifetime Mortgage, flexible and lump sum. So we’ll pay a £500 festive cash bonus to all of your clients who’s cases complete by 23 December 2015, provided they have:

  • received an offer from us dated on or before the 30 November
  • their initial advance is £15,000 or more

We’ll advise all clients of their eligibility for the bonus when we issue their offer letters.

So put our service to the test

If you haven’t already considered us for one of your clients, we’d love you to put us to the test. As a quick reminder, we can offer:

  • immediate electronic KFIs
  • mortgage offers within five working days of receipt of a satisfactory valuation
  • an average time from offer to completion of just 15 working days

We’re confident that you’ll find our approach to servicing a refreshing change. And don’t forget our dedicated lifetime mortgage (LTM) sales team are on hand to help you with sales support, technical training as well as queries on our KFI portal or borrowing and mortgage underwriting queries.

E 23 DECEMBER 2015.