
Giving your clients choice when it’s most important

The option to choose where you’re treated, and by which doctor, could make the world of difference to your clients. Just take the example of a young boy, whose parents felt they had no option but to take him abroad to receive proton therapy to treat his brain tumour, a new treatment not widely available through the NHS.

Putting treatment options in your client’s hands

If your client or an eligible child is suffering from a serious illness covered under the policy, Global Treatment gives them the choice to be treated by the world’s top medical experts, in leading international hospitals outside of the UK.

Whilst the UK’s healthcare system is advanced, Global Treatment allows your clients to make an informed choice about where they are treated, and to receive the very latest or leading treatment and medications available.

If an innovative new treatment was only available outside of the UK – wouldn’t you want your clients and their children to have the opportunity to receive that treatment?

Global Treatment gives your clients greater options when suffering from a life changing illness, allowing them to take their treatment into their own hands. All for an additional £4 a month, with any Protect+ cover.

To find out more:

Terms and conditions apply.

Global Treatment is provided in association with Best Doctors®. Best Doctors is a registered trademark of Best Doctors, Inc. Used with permission.