Message from Lyn Perret and Jane Hanlon from The Premier Equity Release Club

It was fantastic to meet so many of you at The Right Mortgage Quarterly Meeting on Monday.

As you are aware, there are two routes to business when it comes to equity release.

1: Writing your own business with help from The Premier Equity Release Club

If you’re looking to write your own equity release business then The Premier Equity Release Club offers is free to join and gives you access to advice and guidance on the right way to do equity release. The procuration fees are paid directly to The Right Mortgage Network and you will have access to exclusive deals. We have a dedicated helpdesk run by qualified and experienced team, the only one of its kind.

Visit to find out more and register for free. Or call our dedicated helpdesk on 0800 612 5423.

2: Referring business to The Right Equity Release

If you prefer to refer your equity release business to dedicated specialists then referring to The Right Equity Release is the route to take. You will receive 50% of the procuration fee on case completion.

Watch our short video below to find out how referring your equity release business to The Right Equity Release can benefit both you and your clients:

Visit  to find out more and sign up as an introducer. Or call 0800 612 6755.

We look forward to working with you in the future. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or queries you may have.

Best wishes,

Lyn Perrett (07540 970 268) and Jane Hanlon (0800 612 5423)