It’s not that we’re against New Year’s resolutions, self-improvement is an admirable goal worth pursuing. It’s more the unplanned and unmeasured, “I should…” goals enthusiastically set at the top of the year, only to peter out days later (24 days according to polls), that we feel need addressing.

Science tells us that goals about what we want from life, rather than what society says we should be doing are the most attainable. Those broken into measurable chunks are even better.

Vitality echoes this. Ongoing efforts and personal goals throughout the year around the health issues that matter to our members, are at the centre of our products, and reinforced with incentives to help keep the motivation going. And the numbers don’t lie, last year our members took 82 billion steps using fitness devices!

We dedicate this edition to making change happen. We consider the goals that could help give your revenue a healthy New Year’s kick, and look at tips for making changes stick.

Have a healthy week,

Kelly Thomas
Head of Marketing

See Vitality’s full update here.