Get your clients to understand the risks

One of the biggest objections against IP is ‘it won’t happen to me’. Yet, a couple, both aged 30 have a 64% chance of one of them being unable to work for two months or more before they retire*. The LV= Risk Reality Calculator can help you personalise the risk for your clients.

Share customer stories

Understanding how long-term sickness can affect ‘people like me’ helps make the risks feel very real. Check out Chris’ story; not only did he think he’d never have to claim, he was also surprised at the hidden cost of illness and that the road to recovery can be a lot longer than you might think.

Understand household spend

Our budget planner will help your clients visualise their monthly outgoings and appreciate how much they have to lose.

Recommend enough cover to pay the essentials

If both clients work, you could recommend just enough cover to pay regular outgoings or debt (like the mortgage or rent) if either of them got sick. The working partner’s salary can then be used to fund the lifestyle the family are used to – like holidays, days out and the other non-essentials.

How to make a menu of products affordable

Life insurance is frequently touted as the most important cover for families with children, yet the biggest financial risk is being out of work due to long-term sickness. If price is an issue when recommending income protection alongside life and critical illness cover, check out some of the ways you can tailor the insurance to meet your clients’ budget.

* Results based on a non-smoking male and female couple both retiring at age 65 

Most households relying on two salaries have no income protection in place, so it’s highly likely DINOs represent a significant opportunity for you and your business.


To find out more, please contact us on the below details


Kind regards,


LV= Protection

T: 0800 678 1890


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