Nationwide is pleased to confirm that the enhancements to NFI Online and NFI MTE have been successfully made, and alongside these, they’ve made changes to their retirement age definition – details of which are further below.

System Enhancements

Nationwide implemented their changes for the EU MCD as well as a number of system enhancements, so now you’ll be able to submit the following applications online:

  • Porting (excludes MTE).
  • Genuine Bargain Price.
  • Restricted Resale Price.
  • Remortgages where your client owns a mix of mortgaged and unencumbered properties.

You can find out more information in their new Porting Keying Guide and the Genuine Bargain Price and Restricted Resale Price sections of their website’s Lending Criteria page.

Our Retirement Age Definition

Nationwide has also made changes to their definition of your client’s retirement age. They will now only use the client’s anticipated retirement age, rather than their policy where they used state pension age if this was lower. The maximum retirement age will remain at 70 and the mortgage must end before the eldest applicant’s 75th birthday.

New Product Codes

As a result of these system enhancements, all of their products will have new codes.

Help and Support

If you have any questions, please contact your local Nationwide BDM or your regional Dedicated Broker Support team through Broker Chat or on 0800 545 3131.