Though the amount families save has grown over recent years, the average UK family savings pot is unlikely to withstand major financial shocks.

New research* shows that they have, on average, just £3,150 in savings. But many families are left even more vulnerable.

Average savings pots:

  • £563 – Single parents
  • £917 – divorced, widowed or separated parents
  • £3,758 – married/committed relationship, two or more children
  • £4,257 – married/committed relationship, no children planned
  • 25% of families are not saving

Life-changing events such as the loss of a regular income, accident or illness can create a financial crisis.  What’s more, ‘unexpected expenses’ are the biggest worry for more than half of all families.

Protect+ income protection and critical illness cover can help safeguard families – especially those with low levels of savings.

How vulnerable are your clients?

*Source: Aviva Family Finances Report January 2016