The Exeter have announced that they paid 94% of income protection claims in 2015.

They released their annual statistics within an infographic that provides detail behind the data, showing that accidents, injuries, back and musculoskeletal problems accounted for almost 60% of paid claims.

The Exeter have a proven track record of delivering on their promise to customers. In 2005, they were the first insurer to publish their income protection claims statistics and they’ve done so every year since.

Over the last 10 years they’ve paid an average of 95% of all income protection claims, providing a consistent service that you and your clients can rely on.

10 years of claim statistics at The Exeter:

2006     97%

2007     96%

2008     98%

2009     94%

2010     95%

2011     95%

2012     95%

2013     92%

2014     94%

2015     94%

The Exeter’s claims statistics show just how vulnerable good health is and how important it is for your clients to protect their earnings.

For a full breakdown of the common conditions that lead to customers claiming on income protection, download The Exeter’s new sales aid here.

Don’t let your clients take their health for granted – protect their income with a policy from The Exeter.

Our team of experts is ready to speak to you to help your sales of income protection grow. Give us a call on 0300 123 3207 or email us at