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As part of our continuous improvement of AIG Life’s underwriting philosophy, this week we have improved our online underwriting rules for raised blood pressure and raised cholesterol.

Both raised blood pressure and raised cholesterol are very common in the UK1 and are two of the most common disclosures we assess on our applications for life insurance.

Therefore, it is important for us to keep our system rules for these conditions optimal at all times.

We used to ask your clients to provide their blood pressure and cholesterol readings, however we’ve found that they don’t always know these readings. And if an applicant told us they had raised blood pressure or cholesterol but didn’t know the reading, an increase in premium used to be applied for their life cover.

Now, instead of asking the exact reading to assess the risk, we will ask different questions which are straightforward and easy to answer, such as:

–    Are you taking prescription medication for blood pressure/cholesterol?

–    When was the last time you had your blood pressure/cholesterol checked by a medical professional?

–    Were you told that the reading was normal?

–    Was there a change to your medication following your last check-up?

–    When were you told to have your blood pressure/cholesterol checked again?

Additionally, we will only write to the applicant’s GP if the indication is that the blood pressure or cholesterol is not controlled or there are complications. And to do that we will now use a Targeted Medical Report (TMR) rather than a General Practitioners Report (GPR) in order to obtain the exact information we need quickly and easily.

If you would like to find out more about AIG Life protection products or our ever improving underwriting philosophy, call our Sales team on 0345 600 6829 or visit


