Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is the most common condition of the central nervous system affecting young adults. Over 100,000 people in the UK have MS, and unlike most conditions, diagnosis is most common in younger people in their 20s and 30s. It is nearly three times more common in women than in men1.

Being formally diagnosed with MS can be a difficult and lengthy process. This is because there is no definitive test to determine whether someone has MS or not, and the range of symptoms is broad, with a lot of these being common in other illnesses. So an MS diagnosis is determined by ruling out other conditions, which can take time1. In the meantime, sufferers may experience symptoms that prevent them from leading their normal lifestyle, which can impact them emotionally and financially.

How insurance from Vitality can help

With traditional Critical Illness Cover providers, MS symptoms need to have a definite diagnosis and have progressed to a point where they are having a significant impact on daily life before a claim can be made. By this time, your client may have already suffered from the financial impact of living with MS, such as having trouble working or needing to make adaptations to their home.

Our severity based approach to Serious Illness Cover means that your client will receive a payout in line with how severe their symptoms are, meaning claims can be made at an earlier stage of the illness. And if this amount isn’t 100%, then they’ll keep their remaining cover in place.

Find out more about our Serious Illness Cover.


1MS Trust UK