With many 2016 industry awards just around the corner, you can have your say on the providers that excel in both product and service.

At The Exeter, we want to be your income protection provider of choice. Awards like this show we’re on the right track and let our staff know they’re delivering the quality service that you expect.

Why vote for The Exeter

Income protection can be complex, but with The Exeter you are guaranteed a simple approach.

Our range of quality products cover almost all occupations simply and cost effectively, so you can choose the right one for the right client and never have to compromise.

In 2015, we improved our income protection range with a number of enhancements, from adding a 2 year claim period on our Pure Protection plan to increasing the finishing ages on both Pure Protection and Income One.

Not forgetting some other key benefits of using The Exeter

  • Own occupation

We only ever assess claims against your client’s own occupation, regardless of what they do for a living and how long a claim lasts.

  • Claims confidence

We paid 94% of income protection claims in 2015. Don’t forget, we were the first provider to publish our statistics; we think it’s only right you know how often we deliver.

  • Quality, personal service

When you call The Exeter you don’t talk to a robot – you talk to a real person at our UK office.

Where to vote

To vote for The Exeter as your number one income protection provider; click the links below:

Vote in the Cover Excellence Awards

Vote in the ILP Moneyfacts Awards

Vote in the Health Insurance Awards

Our experts are ready to speak to you to help your business grow. Give us a call on 0300 123 3207 or email us at sales@the-exeter.com