From Wednesday 18 May, we will commence emailing mortgage offers to you for all residential and buy-to-let purchase mortgages, remortgages and additional borrowing. It will mean that that you get offers 2-3 days earlier than currently.

Offers will be sent as non-editable pdf files to your nominated email address.

  • If you submit an application through our web site, we will use the email address you inputted when you registered with us. If you would like to change this email address you can do it yourself by going to the ‘Maintain my details’ section of the web site
  • If you submit an application through the MTE, we will use the email that you stipulate in the application

Although, customers and solicitors will still receive their copies of an offer through the post, we will not continue with the option of posting out offers to you.

If you want a member of your administration team to have a copy of an offer, you can simply forward the email to them. If you are unable to do this because you are away from the office, you can contact us (as you can today) and, once we have verified your identity, we can either email or fax the offer to your appointed person.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call your NatWest Intermediary Solutions, Business Development Manager or use our dedicated instant messaging service LiveTALK.