As advisers, the UK mortgage market presents an excellent opportunity for you to engage clients in protection.

At The Exeter we’re passionate about the importance of income protection. For too long it has been the poor relation in the world of protection insurance, whilst it is widely agreed that it should be at the forefront of protection planning.

Here’s a few remaining myths about income protection that at The Exeter we help overcome:

Financial underwriting is too complex

Our comprehensive plans, Pure Protection and Income One, offer a fixed benefit guarantee. By providing financial evidence up front (which you’ll receive as part of the mortgage meeting) your clients can fix up to 50% of their income, meaning they’ll receive the fixed benefit at claim without needing to provide further evidence.

Underwriting takes too long

At The Exeter, our underwriting technology provides an instant decision to well over 60% of applicants. It’s also 3 times quicker than our traditional routes of underwriting, saving you time on processing applications.

My client doesn’t need it, they have a critical illness policy

It’s a telling fact that in 2015, just 9% of the claims we paid were for cancer, heart attacks/surgery or strokes – 4 of the top 5 critical illness claims. Instead, nearly 60% of claims were due to accidents, injuries, back and musculoskeletal problems, showing just how vulnerable good health is.

Have the conversation

Whilst there’s a wealth of information your clients can find online about different insurance products, there’s no substitute for the qualified advice you can provide.

Income is the glue that keeps your client’s lives together and enables them to meet their mortgage commitments. By advising them to take out income protection, you’re ensuring that they’ll be able to meet those commitments whatever life throws their way.

Talk to us

Our experts are ready to speak to you to help your income protection sales grow. Give us a call on 0300 123 3207 or email us at