Around 2.7 million* hospital admissions each year are caused by an accident in the home. We know that our customers stay an average of five days when in hospital, so a little extra cash for every 24hr period your clients’ are admitted could help with things like the cost of emergency childcare.

MultiProtect case study

Customer: Mr L**

Cover: 5 units including child cover (premium £40 per month)

Claim: Loss of thumb and broken bone

Claim submitted: 17 May

Payment: £50,500

Payment made: Three working days


When Mr L took out a policy with MetLife in May, he had no idea that less than a week later he would need to use his policy. While outside in the garden, chopping wood with an axe, Mr L had an accident which resulted in him cutting off his thumb. He  contacted MetLife the next day to request a claim form. Within three working days of returning his form to us, we were able to pay his claim.

Mr L received a payment £50,000 for the loss of his thumb and £500 for the broken bone caused by the impact of the axe.

What MetLife MultiProtect can offer you

  • Non-underwritten cover – no health questions asked
  • A simple 4 minute fully online process – no client signature needed
  • Commission payments made quickly

Get in touch

Call our dedicated Protection Team on 01273 876111 or email

For more information, visit


* Source: TRL (2010) ‘Re-valuation of Home Accidents’

** Please note that whilst customer names have been anonymised, this represents a real life MetLife case study. All policies are subject to policy terms and conditions. Exclusions and limitations apply.