The summer season is now upon us and your clients will likely find more time to complete DIY or go on holiday. Whatever their plans, they’ll want peace of mind that they are protected should the worst happen.

MetLife MultiProtect provides extra financial support for your clients 24/7 in and around the home, at work and worldwide, covering a range of injuries from broken bones to those that could have a significant impact on their lives. So they can rest assured that they’ll still be covered for any accidents when they are not in the UK. They’ll  also be covered if they have to spend time in a UK hospital when they return home from their holiday (stays in non-UK hospitals are not covered) and, with our Extended Cover options, they can protect their children as well.

Cover is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year from £7-£35 per month depending on the level of cover selected.

See the latest claims case study showing exactly how a MetLife Protection customer benefitted from their policy with us here.

For more info on our product please call us on the below details.

Kind regards,

Individual Protection Team
MetLife, Invicta House, Trafalgar Place, Brighton, BN14FR  l  T. 01273 876111  l


Sixth year in a row 5* Service Award for Life & Pensions and Investments at the 2015 Financial Adviser Service Awards