Give your clients big upfront savings, not big upfront costs. Give them Whole of Life Cover with up to 50% off upfront premiums, depending on their age.

The cover offered is the same as with our traditional Whole of Life Cover products, but with an upfront discount. Premiums will then increase by either a fixed amount of 2.5% each year (Premium Optimiser) or in line with Long Term Interest Rates (Interest Rate Optimiser).

One of the factors in the pricing of Whole of Life policies are Long-Term Interest Rates. Lower Long-Term Interest Rates can lead to higher premiums. Long-Term Interest Rates are lower than they’ve historically been and these Lower interest rates can potentially lock clients into higher Whole of Life premiums. We also think it’s fairer to set starting premiums according to a client’s age, so that the younger your client is, the bigger the upfront discount.

If your client also adds Vitality Optimiser to their policy, their upfront discount could be as much as 73%, depending on how old they are when they take out the plan. Vitality Optimiser can be added to any of our plans at outset. As well as giving access to our healthy discounts and rewards, Vitality Optimiser also gives your clients the opportunity to receive a discount on their policy through both an upfront discount on their policy, and a further annual discount if they take steps to engage with their health.

To help you work out what option is best for your clients, our new Premium Comparison Tool compares the current and future premiums on Whole of Life and term policies. You can even compare competitor premiums. Try it here Premium Comparison Tool.

If you have any questions about our new Whole of Life options, or how our healthy discounts and rewards work, please speak to your Business Consultant.

Alternatively, please visit our website.