We know that keeping fit and active is an important part of your life and we want it to stay that way. Taking part in the things you love most, whether it’s that daily run before work or that game of football on Sunday, can sometimes lead to knocks and bumps that need more than just a bandage.

MultiProtect is designed to give you extra financial support by providing a cash lump sum if you suffer from an accidental injury or need to spend time in hospital. So whatever you love doing in life, you can rest assured we’ve got you covered.

Cover for multiple broken bones

With MultiProtect you’ll receive a cash payment of up to £2,500 for each broken bone you suffer as a result of an accident (excludes broken noses). The amount you’ll receive depends on the level of cover you take out.

Claim for multiple injuries

MultiProtect covers a wide range of conditions and if your accident results in multiple injuries, you can claim for each one, up to the equivalent of the accidental death policy benefit.

Payments for UK hospital stays over 24 hours

If you need to stay in a UK hospital because of an accident you’ll receive a cash payment for every 24 hours that you’re admitted, up to a maximum of 90 days per condition. After you’ve had your policy for 12 months, you can also claim for time spent in hospital due to sickness.

Cover up to your 70th birthday

MetLife MultiProtect is available to purchase by those aged 18 up to your 60th birthday. You can continue cover up until 70, and because we don’t ask any health questions the cost of your cover won’t increase every year

Get in touch


Call our dedicated Protection Team on 01273 876111 or email protection@metlife.com.


For more information, visit www.metlife.co.uk/multiprotect.