Covers Wills, Trusts, LPAs, IHT mitigation and how to administer Trusts

The refresher day is ideal for those of you who are not so confident selling Estate Planning and will cover everything from a basic Will, through to how to use Trusts to protect your clients assets and how to complete the paperwork to submit business to us. The course will also include training on lasting powers of attorney.

Upcoming dates and location
5th October- Head office training facility, Knowle, West Midlands, B93 0NN

9.30-10.00: Breakfast pastries and coffee
10.00-11.30: Estate Planning Foundations
11.30-11.45: Coffee Break
11.45-13.00: Estate Planning Foundations
13.00-13.30: Lunch
13.30-14.00: Lasting Powers of Attorney
14.00-14.30: How to submit business to us

To register for the event please call us on 01564 732 740 or email to confirm your space and to advise whether you have any dietary requirements.