The following BTL products will be withdrawn at close of business today;

  • DSL332 -2 year BTL product, discounted to 2.29% – maximum 75% LTV
  • DSL333 – 2 year BTL product, discounted to 2.29% – maximum 70% LTV

In light of the PRA changes we have had to amend our BTL criteria – please amend your records so everything is correct for future product launches.

Current CriteriaNew Criteria
Unlimited Number of background BTL’s per applicantMaximum 3 mortgaged BTL’s per applicant
We do not accept portfolio Landlords
Stress rate is 125% @ 5.5%Stress rate is 145% @ 5.5%
 Earned income will not be taken into account to support a rental shortfall for Standard BTL applications.

We will honour applications received up to Close of Business on the 31st December on the old stress rate, (subject to completion prior to the 31st March 2017).