APRIL UK recently brought a brand new PMI product to the market called The Regional Plus Private Medical Insurance Plan.

It replaces their standard PMI offering, and has been designed with your clients in mind, as it offers policyholders a fairer deal on cover. Here’s a taste of what it has to offer:

  • New regional pricing model – which gives the plan nationwide appeal, making APRIL UK a competitive choice throughout the UK.
  • FULL out-patient plan available with competitive discounts on NO and LIMITED out-patient options.
  • Access to quality regional private hospitals, including Nuffield, BMI, and Spire.
  • More excess options and improved discounts – the plan comes with a standard mandatory £100 excess, but your clients can choose from the following alternative excess options to benefit from discounted premiums:
  • £250 excess

Additional 8.89% discount

  • £500 excess

Additional 23.33% discount

  • £1000 excess

Additional 33.33% discount

  • Community-rated pricing – spreading the risk which is fairer on your clients.
  • Single age bands providing a smoother customer journey – something your clients are sure to appreciate.

Make sure you don’t miss out on APRIL UK’s latest offering by visiting their website today for more information.