We’ve made it easier to set up a trust with the launch of our new online trust service. Integrated with our existing online service, you can now put plans under trust online using e-signature technology.

The process follows a simple step-by-step approach that reduces the risk of trust forms getting held up, lost in the post or wrongly completed.

A significant feature of our trust service is that as well as being able to use it with new plans, you can also use it for existing plans (including Bright Grey and Scottish Provident plans). You’ll find this useful if you want to complete the plan but then revisit the client at a later date to place it under trust.

The right trust makes sure that the money from a client’s plan ends up in the right hands at the right time, quickly and tax efficiently.

To discover more about our online trust service visit our website or watch our short video to see how the process works.

This is a Royal London promotion.