Shelley Walker, Marketing Consultant

December has left me destitute. My piggy-bank lies broken and empty, my lunchtime meal deal feels like an extravagant expense and I’m down to the Bountys in my box of Celebrations.

But I won’t mourn my dearly departed pennies. Between buying gifts for loved ones (then deciding to keep them for myself) to treating my mum to that ever so festively-expensive mulled wine, I’m proud of my vacant purse.

New Year. Same priorities.

January is a time of reflection. And it’s made me think just how lucky I am to be able to indulge in these luxuries. Where would I have been without my steady income?

How would your clients cope at Christmas without regular earnings? If they fell ill this year could they afford the added expense that December brings? Would they have the savings to buy that fresh pine tree the family loves so much? Or the oversized turkey that finds its way into their sandwiches and curries until February? And what about the in-demand toys their children have politely written to Santa for?

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