Last year, Breast Cancer Now and Prostate Cancer UK commissioned a report called the International comparisons of Health Technology Assessment. It found that sustainable access to cancer drugs has become a major issue in the UK.

It also revealed how new and innovative cancer drugs are not being made available through the routine access route.

In fact, the report detailed how the UK is falling behind other countries – including Germany, France and Canada – in its provision of cancer drugs.  And with nearly 90,000 people being diagnosed with either breast or prostate cancer each year in the UK, that finding could be a worry for some.

However, that’s where private health insurance can provide an alternative option for your clients.

How Private health insurance can give your clients access to specialist cancer drugs

Research shows that one in two people will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives.* However, with private health insurance plans such as the APRIL UK Regional Plus Private Medical Insurance Plan and our ‘inSpire’ Private Medical Insurance Plan, your clients can benefit from the peace of mind that they’ll receive cancer treatment at a private hospital.

What’s more, they get access to specialist drugs such as Herceptin (used for breast cancer) and Avastin (used for bowel, kidney and colon cancer) which might not be available to them on the NHS.

So despite the findings of the International comparisons of Health Technology Assessment, your clients will find it comforting to know that there is an alternative way of getting access to effective cancer drugs.

*Cancer Research UK, February 2015.