Our system enhancements

In 2016, we successfully introduced a number of improvements to our online service capability helping to streamline processes and to deliver a superior user experience, including:

  • Real time online case tracking
  • Online Agreement in Principle for Residential Capital & Interest mortgages
  • Online Product Transfer Application Tool – allowing you to easily switch your customer’s deal and with the addedbenefits of:
    • a 50% reduction on arrangement fees
    • no ERC during the last 3 months of the deal period
    • 0.2% procuration fee payable.Our product enhancementsWe continue to focus on aligning our offering to market developments and emerging customer needs. We pride ourselves in offering a good breadth and depth of mortgage products with the flexibility customers expect. In 2016, we enhanced our product offering in a number of ways:

Our product enhancements

We continue to focus on aligning our offering to market developments and emerging customer needs. We pride ourselves in offering a good breadth and depth of mortgage products with the flexibility customers expect. In 2016, we enhanced our product offering in a number of ways:

  • Increasing the maximum term for Capital & Interest mortgages to 40 years
  • Extending the validity of mortgage offers to 180 days
  • Enhancing our interest only criteria – part interest only and part repayment up to 80% Loan to Value (LTV) with a splitof 75% LTV interest only and the remainder taken on capital and interest
  • Increasing the LTV to 80% for residential Capital & Interest mortgages up to £1.5m
  • Changing the 5 year stress rate to Standard Variable Rate for residential applications
  • Launching a range of Professional mortgage products – no arrangement fee and free valuation on purchase orremortgage and free standard legal fees for remortgages. Maximum loan at 90% increased to £750K.

New Build product range

We launched a competitive range of new build mortgage products up to 90% LTV, with fee offers available on selected products and builder incentives considered on a case by case basis. Our dedicated team of New Build Specialists are on hand to help keep your mortgage deals on track through managing pipeline cases, taking ownership of urgent cases and dealing with any complex new business enquiries.

Remember you can help us to improve the customer experience by ensuring each case is fully packaged on day one – see our website for full details.
We’re committed to providing a seamless and professional service which best meets your needs and makes it easier for you to do business with us and your customers

Further Information: Visit www.clydesdalebankintermediaries.co.uk and use the chat facility on our website.
For lending policy and new business enquiries please call 0800 085 2846


For intermediary use only

Clydesdale Bank PLC is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register No. 121873). Clydesdale Bank PLC. Registered in Scotland (No. SC001111). Registered Office: 30 St. Vincent Place, Glasgow, G1 2HL.
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