What is the offer and who is the offer available to?

From Monday 13th February to Tuesday 2nd May 2017 the promotion will be live on Sigma; it can apply to the following business:

  1. New individual moratorium and fully medically underwritten customers only.
  2. It will not be available to continued medical exclusion underwritten business.

The customer must be new to AXA PPP healthcare, the offer does not extend to existing AXA PPP healthcare clients or Group Leavers.


When exactly can I quote for and when is it valid from and to?

The offer is valid for policies quoted on and with policy start date from Monday 13th February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017 – the “offer period”. Any policies quoted before Monday 13th February due to start in the offer period will not have two months free applied. Any policies quoted during the offer period with a start date after 2nd May 2017 will not have two months free applied.

If the policy start date subsequently changes to after the offer period then your brokers will need to re-quote.

Please note when quoting you will need to select Two months free option as the offer isn’t automatically applied to the quote.

For more information on our new Sigma quoting system click here

[link to https://www.axappphealthcare.co.uk/intermediaries/amplify/sigma/]


What are the terms and conditions?

The two months cover free offer is for new customers only (listed above) and is valid for policies purchased on or after Monday 13th February 2017 with a start date on or before Tuesday 2nd May 2017.

If paying annually, members will only be charged for 10 months of cover.

If they pay monthly, the 4th and 5th months of cover will be free.

Two months free applies to the first year of the policy only.

This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, apart from our 5% discount for paying annually.

At the renewal of the policy onwards, the premium will be calculated in the normal way. Please note, the premium includes Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) so if the rate of IPT changes this will alter the premium.


Terms and conditions

We’ll include our two months free offer in our quotes, meaning that customers will be paying for 10 months instead of 12. Cover must continue for 12 months for the two months free to remain valid.

This offer is valid on policies with a start date up to and including 2nd May 2017. Two months free applies to the first year of the policy only. At the renewal of the policy onwards, the premium will be calculated in the normal way.

Please note, the premium includes Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) so if the rate of IPT changes this will alter the premium.”

Please make sure you discuss these terms and conditions with your customer.


Are all brokers eligible to offer two months free and is it across all plans?

The offer is only available to a select number of intermediaries who fulfil a certain criteria. These are primarily those intermediaries we work with through our Regional Intermediary Team and intermediaries where we manage their In-house renewal.

The offer may also only be applied to a select portfolio (agency number) within our intermediary relationship, so please speak your account manager to make sure you understand what elements of your portfolio the offer will apply to.

The plans available are Personal Health and, if you have access to it, Health For You. The PHC Health Plan is not included in this offer.


Is it mandatory to offer the two months free?

We are making the two months free offer available to all eligible customers. Where a customer meets the terms and conditions of the offer two months free should be applied.


In which months will the free months be applied?

The free months will be applied in months four and five. We’ve done this so that customers can benefit from their free cover as early as possible, and to pre-empt difficult conversations at renewal.


What about other pricing promotions?

If you have an existing pricing promotion with us, you will not be able to use this in conjunction with the two months free offer. You will automatically return to your previous pricing promotion once the two month free offer closes on Tuesday 2nd May 2017.