Landlord Insurance Claims – Proof is in the pudding

When customers make insurance claims they don’t want any hidden shocks from the likes of excess payments or policy small print and they want to be dealt with in a courteous, understanding and efficient manner.

It goes without saying our 5 Star Defaqto rated Landlord Insurance is full of quality cover with competitive pricing, but it is at point of claim that people really remember how good their policy is.

Our Top 5 Landlord B&C Claims:

1)  34% – Escape of Water
2)  22% – Storm & Flood
3)  15% – Accidental Damage
4)  10% – Malicious Damage/Theft
5)  5% – Fire

Our Top 5 Largest Pay-Outs:

1)  £147,792 – Fire
2)  £38,138 – Malicious Damage
3)  £25,000 – Escape of Oil
4)  £22,461 – Escape of Water
5)  £14,789 – Subsidence

Did you know we also provide Accidental Damage to Buildings cover as standard!  With Accidental Damage making up 15% of all Landlord claims and our biggest pay out caused by the tenant being £5,534.00,  it is nice to know we provide it free of charge.  Looking at the above you might want to consider quoting for Malicious Damage cover too.
The above figures exclude Rent Guarantee claims.  However if you ask a Landlord what their biggest worry is, they will probably tell you “not receiving my rent”.  The answer; Let Alliance can provide Nil Excess Rent Guarantee & Legal cover as an optional extra.

Please call our Intermediary Team on 01244 421 167 and speak to us today.   Think Landlords… Think Let Alliance!
P.S. Remember if you have Portfolio Landlords, we do the quotes for you!

* Source: Let Alliance UKGI Underwriting Claims Stats @ Dec 2016.                    Intermediary Use Only