We’re pleased to announce that the changes to NFI Online and NFI MTE have been successfully made over the weekend.

As well as our move to multi credit bureaux, which allows us to provide a more informed Decision in Principle response for your client, we’ve also made some other key improvements that mean:

  • Better address targeting will make it easier to find your clients’ addresses
  • There’ll now be an affordability check before obtaining a DIP
  • You could now get an automated valuation decision at DIP stage
  • In some cases, the introduction of automated income checks will remove the need to provide income proofs, leading to reduced application to offer times

Pipeline cases

If you’ve got a question about a pipeline application, you can take a look at our recent email which explains more about these cases.

Help and support 

If you need help with a case following these changes, please call our Dedicated Broker Support team on 0800 545 3131, then choose option 4.

You can also find out more by visiting the FAQs on our website or download our guide below.

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