Fluent for Advisers has launched the lowest 90% 2nd charge product with an interest rate of 9%.

Designed in close association with lender 1st Stop Group, the new product marks a major step in design and pricing structure, which will give you new opportunities to provide customers with a facility to take their total secured borrowing up to 90% LTV at a sub 10% interest rate.

Features include: –

  • Rates from 9%
  • Max LTV – 90%
  • Max loan to £50,000
  • Term from 24 months to 300 months

We have been working on this product for over nine months with 1st Stop. There are higher LTV products in the market already, but the increase in interest rates being charged between 85% and 90% for the same clients was significant. We are delighted that between 1st Stop and Fluent we have produced a product which allows borrowers to go up to 90% LTV while keeping costs in check.

One of the key concerns for us at Fluent for Advisers was trying to offer higher LTV products without them becoming too expensive. What we have done is to provide advisers with a product which allows clients to raise capital up to 90% LTV while keeping the interest rate competitive.

For more information:- Contact our team on 01204 477600 or email brokerteam@fluentforadvisers.co.uk

The market for second charge mortgages (secured loans) is growing though not as fast as many pundits had believed it would after MCD. There was a general belief that because the regulator has made it clear that secured loans should be part of any discussion with customers who wish to raise capital using their property, that they and their advisers would automatically be testing whether a secured loan would be more appropriate then a remortgage.

For many advisers though, the transition has been a cautious one. When I speak to advisers, whether AR or DA, the main issues are, in no particular order, lack of knowledge of secured loans, residual concern over costs, past reputation and uncertainty about the process.

If any of these issues concern you, remember Fluent for Advisers is here to provide you with a comprehensive service.  We are your resource for second charge loans.

Perhaps you are struggling to see where a secured loan can fit into the service you offer clients?

Are you feeling that you do not have the time to research the market and understand the different products offered by lenders?

Are you concerned that a secured loan could be a better option than a remortgage but unsure how to proceed?

Talk to us and without any obligation on your part or that of your clients, we can give you all the information you need to thrive in this important market sector. So, whether you want us to advise your client directly or if you prefer to give the actual advice, provide you with suitable alternative borrowing options from which you can then choose for your client, Fluent for Advisers is here to help.


Getting in touch with Fluent for Advisers could not be simpler

Phone your support team on 01204 477600


Email the Team at brokerteam@fluentforadvisers.co.uk


Go online at www.fluentforadvisers.co.uk