As a valued partner with the Marsden, we wanted you to let you know about our new products and criteria changes ahead of our planned release

  • NEW lower pay rates applied across all our residential lending portfolios
  • NEW 5 year variable discounted rates for 55+ older borrowers
  • NEW LTV95% – Widened our higher loan to value options to include
  • NEW residential products available with no booking or arrangement fees
  • Increased our 2 and 3 year fixed rate capacity to £28m
  • Our 55+ older borrower range now has +28 product option
NEW Buy to Let Product Portfolio
NEW Residential Product Portfolio
NEW Criteria:

  • We’ve removed the max age across our “55+ older borrower range”** replaced with mortgage term guidelines based on borrower age
  • Raised our maximum loan to value for our 55+ older borrower to LTV70%
  • Our max loan size without referral is now £750,000 (up to £1m on referral)
  • Accept gifted deposits across our entire residential range
  • Our loan to income limit (LTI) for higher LTV95% at 4.5x
  • Widen our eligibility around slightly impaired credit
Our service to you…
We have welcomed two new Business Development Managers to help support you and your teams. Jacqui (left) and Tina (right) joined our team in March and we will be introducing you soon.
  • Access to Head of Lending and the underwriters when needed
  • Increased our packaging team by 25% to support the planned increase in lending activity and to maintain our high standard service
  • Our ‘first touch’ intermediary support on 01282 440583 is staffed by a friendly and knowledgeable team
  • Our service standards continue to improve (click below for more detail)
View our service standards

What comes next?

Any questions regarding product and criteria changes, please let me know. Our intermediary support team are available to help on 01282 440583* too.

  • Search engines will be informed today about our new products.
  • You can continue to submit business on the current available product range and applications will continue to be accepted up to Friday 28 April 2017.

Wishing you and your team’s a wonderful Easter holiday.

Best wishes,

Heather Crinion
General Manager (Operations)
DD: 01282 440577