I am delighted to advise you that we have increased our LTV limits for loans in excess of £1 million and increased the amount that can be taken on Interest Only.

We can now lend up to 80% up to £2 million loan size, with 75% being on Interest Only.

Our LTV bandings are now as follows:-

Notes on Repayment Vehicles:-

Sale of Property (Down-sizing)
Loans up to £1.5m – acceptable repayment strategy as long as there is £300k equity.  No more than 75% LTV is available if all of the loan is Interest Only.  This can be topped up to 80% with C&I.
Loans over £1.5m – if this is the only repayment strategy, the maximum  LTV is 60% for the Interest Only element.  This can then be topped up with further Interest Only if another repayment vehicle can be included, and/or C&I.

Bonus Income for Loans >£1.5m

As well as increasing our LTV’s, we are now able to take into account a larger amount of bonus income when assessing the mortgage application.

  • We no longer cap the bonus being taken into account as the same as the basic.
  • Where bonuses are shown to be regular, 50% of the average of the last 2 years can be considered guaranteed income.
  • For strong applicants we are able to take into account 75% of the average of the last 2 years bonus.
  • Proof required: Last 2 years P60s and the relevant payslip for that year.

Additional points to note…

  • Rates available;  Our £1 million plus rates are applicable here.
  • KFI’s;  These can be obtained from our website KFI generator.
  • Bank statements X 2  months are required for £1 million plus loans.

I am sure you will agree that the above is excellent news for your AR members  and their high-net-worth clients.  Please can I ask that all +£1 million  cases are run past the Brokers BDM or the Broker Support Team in the first instance.  Please call the Support Team on 0800 085 2846.