I thought you’d like to know that we have recently updated our on-line underwriting rules for Scottish Widows Protect.

The updates are as follows:

  • Family history of breast cancer – We’ve lowered the age of family history from under 50 to under 40, where a rating for life and CI exclusion for breast /ovarian cancer will be applied. This means that we’ll now accept more policies without a rating or exclusion.
  • Hypertension and Raised Cholesterol – We’ve reduced the age from 39 to 34 where we automatically request medical evidence. We have also re-ordered the question set to route customers who are no longer on treatment down a different path. Finally, we’ve also removed some questions that weren’t adding any value to our risk assessment.  This will improve the number of customers that will get a decision at point of sale and reduce the number of postpone cases.

These changes were made as a result of our own in-depth analysis and feedback from advisers and will improve both the customers experience and the number of positive decisions.