Specialist lender Together are now on The Right Mortgage and Protection Network’s panel offering first charge residential mortgages.

Find out more from Together’s Personal Finance Chief Executive Pete Ball about:

  • Who Together are and why use a specialist lender
  • What Together can bring that isn’t already on offer in the market
  • Who is the typical Together customer
  • Three reasons why brokers may use Together

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Together have been reviewing client needs on a case by case basis for over 42 years and have a wealth of experience in specialist lending.

When a case involves non-standard property, purchase type, income source or credit, or any combination of these, Together can help find a solution.  They even consider the more unusual situations that clients occasionally have to contend with.  If they can help, they will.

It’s simply the difference between common practice and common sense.

Find out about them, their residential mortgages and how to register by calling 0161 933 7170 or visit togethermoney.com/intermediaries