- No maximum age limit- Does the case make sense?
- No credit scoring, we credit search
- Every case individually underwritten with a common sense approach
- Lending into and whilst retired acceptable
- Currently no restrictions on product offering when lending into retirement, core range is available
- Interest only lending acceptable up to:
- 80% LTV with suitable repayment vehicle
- 50% LTV to downsize or lending into and whilst retired
Lending into Retirement
Defined as 1 or more applicants not yet at or past state retirement age at date of application but where the term extends past the state retirement age for 1 or more applicants.
- The loan must remain affordable for the full term of the mortgage
- The applicants’ intended retirement date is to be obtained
- Where the term exceeds and applicants intended retirement date, a full income projection post retirement must be obtained and used to calculate affordability
- Pension lump sum projections can be taken into consideration when assessed against the expected mortgage balance at retirement age
- In the case of interest only loans where the interest only repayment vehicle is downsizing, any capital raising must be limited to 10% of the loan amount.
- If capital raising the additional funds must not be for commercial of Buy to Let purposes.
- If an applicant has indicated they will continue to work past their state retirement age, a feasibility assessment must be made and appropriate rationale provided by the underwriter
- Earned/Self-employed income, private pension, state pension and investment income may be used when assessing affordability where appropriate.
Lending whilst Retired
Defined as 1 or more applicants at or past state retirement age at date of application
- The loan must remain affordable for the full term of the mortgage
- Where an applicant has indicated they will continue to work past the term end, a feasibility assessment must be made and appropriate rationale provided by the underwriter
- Earned/Self-employed income, private pension, state pension and investment income can be used when assessing affordability where appropriate
- Maximum LTV 50%
- Maximum LTI per standard
- Independent legal advice must have been taken by the applicant
- In the case of joint applications, an appropriate rationale must be provided by the underwriter covering the potential situation where one of the applicants passes away or has to go into a care home and thus incur additional costs
- In the case of interest only loans where the interest only repayment vehicle is downsizing, any capital raising must be limited to 10% of the loan amount
- If capital raising the additional funds must not be for commercial of Buy to Let purposes
- In the case of interest only loans where the interest only repayment vehicle is downsizing, a feasibility assessment must be made and appropriate rationale provided by the Underwriter
- The Underwriter has the right to ensure a lasting power of attorney is in existence prior to completion of the mortgage
- It must be recommended that the applicant seeks independent legal and financial advice.
Summary Chorley Building Society
- Will take a flexible common sense approach to mortgage lending
- Do not credit score
- Do manually underwrite all applications, a person makes the decision not a machine
- Have no maximum age limit
- Have a realistic approach to interest only lending and lending into/whilst retired
- Have underwriters who will do their best to get a case through
- Appreciate the business you send us