Paymentshield have announced the release of their latest adviser resource.

The market leading GI provider has produced a new case study, ‘Helping policyholders keep their heads above water’. The case study covers the experience of a Paymentshield policyholder Kerry Doree who’s Cumbria home flooded during storm Desmond, in December 2015.

The case study has been produced for advisers to use with their clients to help highlight the importance of their advice when it comes to general insurance. The experience of Ms Dorree also illustrates the level of service that policyholders can expect from Paymentshield’s panel of insurers.

Forming part of Paymentshield’s latest ‘No excuses’ initiative, this latest case study will be added to their already extensive online marketing toolkit which offers a wide range of resources and support to those wishing to improve their GI conversations and sales.

If you really don’t know where to begin with general insurance then start there.