Recent changes:

  • We will now consider a unsecured credit facility that has arrears status exceeding 2 (two) as a Defaulted balance for the purpose of criteria – this now means that where we previously declined an applicant for having a status 3 on Near Prime in the last 24 months this now could fit on that product range!!
  • Offer Valid for 120 days (previously 90days)
  • Proc fee paid on Exchange of contracts
  • FEES FREE on both 2year and 3year fixed products
  • Any Adverse on the credit file (missed payments, defaults, CCJ’s that is proven to have been a by-product of another arrangement (DMP/IVA/, direct with lender arrangement, bankruptcy)  will be excluded from product limits
  • LIBOR Trackers reduced and still NO ERC’S on tracker deals

Please remember our DEBT MANAGEMENT PLANS (DMP’s)  – For near prime, DMP must have been established for a minimum of 12months ONLY  and either discharged or satisfactory conducted – remember DMP can stay in place post the mortgage taken out with us. We are the only lender to treat the adverse like this with regards to a DMP – hence why the majority our brokers do a DIP was us first when it comes to a DMP.