I am pleased to announce that on the 6th August we launched our brand new online trusts capability. Here is a link to the dedicated area of our Adviser Centre containing a short video showcasing this great new offering for your members and advisers.

The benefits of our new online trusts:

  • No need for signatures – Trusts are in place from the outset, making it easier for you and your customers
  • More flexibility – an enhanced split Trust feature allows your customers to choose how much Terminal Illness or Critical Illness benefit they want to retain
  • Greater Freedom – customers can exercise product options without trustee’s permission such as declining of indexation option
  • Ultimately making yours’ and your customers’ lives easier

Why are trusts a good thing for your customers? A trust is a great way to ensure our customers’ loved ones or their business is protected. By placing their life insurance in a Trust, they can benefit from:

Better control – making sure the money goes to the right people at the right time

Faster payments – with no probate the money can be paid quicker

Avoid Inheritance Tax (Personal Protection) – money paid out from your customers’ life assurance will not be part of their estate, helping to reduce any potential Inheritance Tax bill.

For more information, please go to dedicated area of Adviser Centre above, or contact your local relationship manager, details contained within the attached file.