Types of property Vida will consider:
- HMOs: Up to 8 bedrooms with a minimum valuation of £100,000.
- EX LOCAL AUTHORITY FLATS: Deck access allowed for blocks of up to 4 storeys at 80% LTV
- EARLY CAPITAL RAISING ON BTL BRIDGING: Capital raising is allowed within 6 months of purchase when clearing a bridging loan.
- FLATS ALLOWED ABOVE COMMERCIAL PREMISES: up to 75% LTV. If immediately above or next to restaurants, takeaways or launderettes, max is 60% LTV.
- STUDIO FLATS: Where the internal floor area is greater than 30 sq.m.
- MINIMUM PROPERTY VALUATION: £50,000 up to 70% LTV. Ex local authourity flats/maisonettes minimum £80k outside London.
- NEW BUILD HOUSES & FLATS: Available up to 90% LTV (Residential) and 85% LTV (Buy to Let).
- NO LIFT REQUIRED: In blocks where flat is on one of the first 4 floors
- FREE VALUATIONS: Available on both Residential and BTL with Fee Saver range.
- MULTI UNIT BLOCKS: Up to 5 units. Just one year’s landlord experience required.
CAPITAL RAISING: Accepted up to LTV limits for any legal purpose.
DEBT MANAGEMENT PLANS ACCEPTED: Providing they have been satisfactorily conducted.
GIFTED DEPOSITS: Accepted from close relatives, and from partners/spouses where BTL.