When you recommend Health+, you’re making a positive choice to give your clients the fastest possible diagnosis and the best possible treatment, with instant access to medical advice and treatments, and provide expert care when its needed most.

However, having quality health insurance in place doesn’t in itself make your clients healthier. Equally, it doesn’t mean they never have to rely on the NHS; take accessing a GP or primary care for example –  on average 18% of people have a wait of more than two weeks for a GP appointment.


But the good news is, that when you recommend The Exeter, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Introducing HealthWise – helping your clients feel better, faster

HealthWise is our new member benefits platform, designed to give our members tailored and high value benefits all accessed quickly through an app, simply via the touch of a tablet or smartphone.

Our HealthWise app has two core modules:

  • GP on Demand’ provides access to a UK-based GP phone or video appointment, helping our members address health worries sooner. Every HealthWise GP can also make referrals for further treatment, or issue a prescription, if required.
  • Second Medical Opinion provides an expert who can assess a diagnosis and help make a difficult decision or provide advice on treatment options. Whether it’s for a diagnosis or to discuss treatment options, getting a second medical opinion can provide priceless reassurance and confidence.

In addition to these core modules, our health insurance members have access to the following key benefits:

  • Physiotherapy

Whether your clients are gym goers or not, we all have aches, pains and injuries from time to time. With HealthWise, consultations with a physiotherapist can both diagnose and treat a huge range of musculoskeletal problems, helping our members return to good health and happiness sooner.

  • Mental health support

Coping with the stresses and anxieties of modern life can prove difficult for anyone from time to time, but HealthWise is here to help. Whether it’s a one off, or part of an ongoing and more serious mental health issue, HealthWise provides access to counsellors who can offer emotional support and build plans and coping mechanisms to help our members return to a positive mindset.

To find out more and to begin working with The Exeter, why not organise a webinar or meeting with The Exeter sales team on 0300 123 3207, or email us at sales@the-exeter.com


* https://digital.nhs.uk/data-and-information/publications/statistical/appointments-in-general-practice/oct-2018