Following our latest product enhancements, our Serious Illness Cover now covers all conditions covered in the market and is more likely to payout than any other critical illness product1. Providing your clients and their loved ones the reassurance of knowing that, if they needed to take a health-related break, they’d be able to continue supporting their lifestyle and family throughout.

Furthermore, we have also expanded our unique Later Life options so that your clients can continue to be covered for later life conditions such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, stroke and frailty even after their Serious Illness Cover ends with Dementia and FrailCare Cover or Dementia and FrailCare Cover Plus.

To find out more visit our adviser webpage or speak to your Business Consultant.

1 Independently verified by Defaqto. This comparison to other products in the market is based on VitalityLife and Defaqto’s interpretation of the difference between VitalityLife’s latest Serious Illness Cover and those other covers available in the market as at 11/11/2019. Whilst VitalityLife and Defaqto have made reasonable endeavours to ensure the accuracy and reliability of this statement, it is for personal use and guidance only, and does not constitute a contractual representation. As such, neither party accepts liability for direct or consequential loss in relation to this statement.