We hope you had a wonderful festive break and New Year – enjoying the time with your family and friends.

There are a lot of exciting things planned for this year, here are just a few ways in which Metro Bank can help you grow your business in 2020.

Opportunities to build your business

  1. Joint borrower, sole proprietor – only where the additional borrower(s) is an immediate family member, up to four applicants are allowed on the residential mortgage with all incomes considered
  2. Up to a maximum age of 80 considered (mortgage term based on the oldest applicant)
  3. Self-employed – average of the last 2 years operating profit before taxation, plus remuneration considered for Limited Company Directors with 100% shareholding
  4. Top slicing considered from earned income to support buy to let applications, no more than two incomes allowed to support buy to let top slicing
  5. Online rate switching – no product fee for residential loans up to £2m, switch up to 3 months early with no Early Repayment Charge, up to 0.3% procuration fee paid

For full details on the points above please refer to our Mortgage Lending Criteria Guide: www.metrobankonline.co.uk/intermediaries

So what next?

Get in touch with your BDM as they would love to come and meet you and tell you more about Metro Bank and our future plans. To find your nearest BDM, please click here. Or call our Broker helpdesk on 0203 427 1019