We’re pleased to announce the inclusion of a Remote GP Service within our retail and SME products*. This is available at no additional cost to new business from 1 February 2020 and existing members from 1 April 2020, as and when they renew.

If you’ve got any questions, or want to discuss anything below, please get in touch with your usual WPA contact or reply to this email.

WPA Remote GP Service
This new benefit will provide WPA members with an unlimited, 24/7 GP consultation service, provided by qualified and experienced NHS practising GPs.

The benefit includes access to 24/7 GP telephone consultations, video consultations, the ability to message a doctor, private prescriptions, open referrals, health information and details of local services. WPA members will receive details of the telephone number as part of their joining literature and will have the ability to download an additional GP app – accessible on all smartphones, tablets and desktops.

Our aim is to provide a service that is accessible to everyone, anywhere, anytime.

*Applicable products:
• Retail – Flexible Health Premier, Flexible Health Elite and Multi-Family
• SME – Enterprise Flexible Benefits (EFB), Enterprise Health (EH), Precision Corporate
Healthcare (PCH) and NHS Top-Up Corporate (Level 2+3)