As the weeks roll on, we’re now on Episode 2 of the Practical Protection Podcast, and this week we’re focusing on Rare Diseases – or as I prefer to call them Rare Conditions – you’ll hear why! We’re both really pleased with the positive responses we’ve had so far after the pilot and our previous episode on epilepsy, so we hope you enjoy the latest podcast just as much, if not more!

Our 3 key takeaways:

  1. 1 in every 20 people in the UK has a rare disease.
  2. Insurers trust that GP reports are accurate, but there are times that they are wrong.
  3. A case study of sickle cell anaemia.

If you voted in our ‘Truth or Lie’ poll on twitter, find out if you were correct. Have another go as we give you our 2nd teaser, come on we need more than 8 people voting next time! 

We would love to hear your thoughts, and welcome any questions, aiming to answer these in the following episode. We want this to be a current and relevant podcast, for it to be of use to you and helpful in your work.

We are currently setting things up so that you can easily record this podcast as part of your CPD. We are making the finishing touches to the website that accompanies this podcast, we’ll announce the website launch details soon and you will be able to download a certificate to add to your training records.

Next time we are going to be chatting about smokers and e-cigarettes. The best part is that we both seem to be on different sides of the fence this time, so expect some ‘healthy’ debating! Who will you agree or disagree with?

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The episode can be accessed here:

This link will give you the option to listen to the episode on a number of platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, and many more. You can also search for the podcast ‘The Practical Protection Podcast’ and/or Kathryn and Andrews names in your podcast player and you should be able to find us.